Nomination Archive

Nomination for Nobel Peace Prize
Number:36 - 1
Nominee 1:
Name:Carl Sundblad
Year, Birth:1849
Profession:Teacher, editor and publisher. Peace activist.
Country:SWEDEN (SE)
Nominee 2:
Name:Sir Ralph Norman Angell Lane
Year, Birth:1872
Year, Death:1967
Profession:Journalist, editor, author and lecturer.
Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize 1933
Motivation:Sundblad had actively worked for peace since 1885 when he founded a local peace association in Sweden. Between 1887 and 1894 he raised money to support the newly founded Swedish Peace and Arbitration League. He was chairman of the council of this league 1887-1896. Sundblad published the journal "Ned med Vapnen" 1893-1897 and from 1897 he edited and published the journal "Fredsfanan". He advocated peace and co-operation. Angell was nominated for his book "The Great Illusion" (1910). He claimed that it was an illusion that war could be profitable to a nation, and he also maintained that this illusion was going to lead Europe into a state of war.
Name:Cornelius Bernhard Hanssen
Profession:Member of the Norwegian parliament. Member of the Nobel Committee (1913-1939).
Country:NORWAY (NO)
Comments: The nomination was one of three alternatives that Hanssen submitted to the Nobel Committee. The first alternative was a prize divided between the Danish Peace Association, the Norwegian Peace Association and the Swedish Peace and Arbitration league. The second alternative was a prize divided between Norman Angell and Carl Sundblad. The third alternative was Andrew Carnegie.