Nomination Archive

Nomination for Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
Number:75 - 7
Name:Rudolf Weigl
Year, Birth:1883
Year, Death:1957
Profession:prof general biology
University:Jan Kazimierz University
City:Lemberg (now Lviv)
Country:POLAND (PL)
Motivation:Work on typhus fever, especially the virus Rickettsia Provazeki.
Name:Mieczyslaw Michalowicz
Profession:Prof pediatrics
Country:GERMANY (DE)
Comments: Nomination was made jointly in the same letter by the following professors in Warsaw, PL: R. Nitsch, prof serology and microbiology, A. Gluzinski, prof medicine, A. Lesniowski, prof surgery, K. Orzechowski, prof neural diseases, F. Giedroye, prof medical history, M. Michalowicz, prof pediatrics, W. Orlowski, prof medicine, J. Modrakowski, prof pharmacology, F. Venulet, prof pathology, F. Czubalski, prof physiology, A. Czyzewicz, prof obstetrics and gynecology, J. Mazurkiewicz, prof psychiatry, E. Loth, prof anatomy, L. Krynsk, prof surgery, M. Konopacki, prof histology.