Nomination Archive

Nomination for Nobel Peace Prize
Number:13 - 1
Name:Carl Albert Lindhagen
Year, Birth:1860
Year, Death:1946
Profession:Mayor of Stockholm. Member of the Swedish parliament 1897-1917, 1919-1940
Country:SWEDEN (SE)
Motivation:Lindhagen contributed to the peaceful dissolution of the Swedish-Norwegian union in 1905. In 1909 he joined the social democratic party, but after the Russian revolution he became associated with a more leftist socialist group and communists. Lindhagen supported female suffrage and social reform, and he advocated disarmament and international co-operation based on international law. He was a prominent member of the radical peace movement.
Name:Vinding Kruse
Profession:Professor of Law (Jurisprudence)
University:University of Copenhagen
Country:DENMARK (DK)
Comments: Lindhagen was one of legal advisor to the Alfred Nobel estate; in effect he became an associate executor. He also drafted the Nobel Foundation Charter in 1899. Lindhagen was on the short list, but no new evaluation was requested.