Nomination Archive

Nomination for Nobel Peace Prize
Number:15 - 1
Name:Gustave Moynier
Year, Birth:1826
Year, Death:1910
Profession:Jurist. Founder of the International Committee of the Red Cross. Promoter of international law.
Motivation:Moynier was one of the founders of the International Committee of the Red Cross, and he was nominated for his efforts to organize its work. He drafted the Geneva Convention. He was also one of the founders of the Institute of International Law.
Name:Richard Kleen
Profession:Member of the Institute of International Law
Country:SWEDEN (SE)
Comments: Kleen nominated the Institute of International Law. However, in his letter to the Norwegian Nobel Committee, he stated that he would rather have nominated Henri Dunant and Gustave Moynier if it had been possible to do so. Kleen believed that according to the peace prize statutes they did not qualify as candudates. In one of the paragraphs it is stated that the laureate will receive the peace prize for his or her accomplishments during the last year. Kleen stated that since Dunant and Moynier's lifelong peace work was the achievement of a lifetime and since he could not refer to any particular accomplishments of the last year, he reckoned that they did not qualify for the peace prize. He strongly believed that Dunant and Moynier were the best candidates for the peace prize, and he regretted not being able to nominate them.