Nomination Archive

Nomination for Nobel Peace Prize
Number:15 - 1
Name:Edmund Dene Morel
Year, Birth:1873
Year, Death:1924
Profession:Journalist. Politician
Motivation:Morel was nominated firstly for his work to protect indigenous African people during European imperialism and colonization, and secondly for his efforts to prevent an open conflict between Germany and France over colonial matters. Morel had become familiar with African geography, history, and commercial affairs while working as a clerk for a shipping company trading in West Africa. He brought this knowledge into the fields of journalism and committee work. On several occasions Morel criticized European administrations in Africa, and he led the British opposition to the Belgian misruling in Congo. Morel organized the The Congo Reform Association in 1904, of which he became Secretary. The main objective for Morel was to prevent future disputes and wars by improving the relations between Europeans and other peoples. Morel was a proponent of pacifism and internationalism, and Secretary of The Union of Democratic Control. He was an influential representative of the Labour Party in the British parliament.
Name: 6 members of the Finnish parliament/government
Profession:Members of parliament / government
Country:FINLAND (FI)
Comments: Morel was born French, and his birth name was Georges Edmond Morel-de-Ville. He became a British citizen when he married an English woman in 1896. The nominators included N. Liahha (Minister of Church and Education), O. Mantere (Minister of Social Affairs), A. Furuhjelm (M.P.), J.W. Keto (M.P.), Raf. Erich (M.P.).