Nomination Archive

Nomination for Nobel Peace Prize
Number:15 - 1
Name:Baron Albéric Rolin-Jacquemyns
Year, Birth:1843
Profession:Jurist. Founder and Secretary General of the Institute of International Law
Country:BELGIUM (BE)
Motivation:Rolin-Jacquemyns was the founder and Secretary General (1906-1923) of the Institute of International Law. He was managing director of the juridical library at the Peace Palace in Geneva 1913-1923. Rolin was member of several commissions and associations, and Secretary General of the Academy of International Law at The Hague. His major scientific work was "The International Private Law" (1899).
Name:Gregers Winther Wulfsberg Gram
Year, Birth:1846
Year, Death:1929
Profession:Jurist. Member of the Institute of International Law
University:University of Oslo
Country:NORWAY (NO)
Comments: Gram initially suggested to divide the prize Rolin-Jaquemyns, James Brown Scott and André Weiss. Later he suggested that one prize was awarded Rolin and that the other prize was divided between Scott and Weiss.