Nomination Archive

Nomination for Nobel Peace Prize
Number:15 - 9
Nominee 1:
Name:Ernesto Teodoro Moneta
Year, Birth:1833
Year, Death:1918
Profession:Editor and journalist. President of the Lombard League of Peace/ leader of the Italian peace movement.
Country:ITALY (IT)
Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize 1907
Nominee 2:
Name:Baroness Bertha Sophie F von Suttner
Year, Birth:1843
Year, Death:1914
Profession:Author. Vice president of the Permanent International Peace Bureau.
Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize 1905
Motivation:Moneta became active in the peace movement in 1870. In 1878 he helped establish the League of Liberty, Brotherhood and Peace in Milan. In 1887 he helped to found the Society for International Peace and Justice, and the Lombard Union for International Peace and Understanding, of which he became president. Moneta regularly attended international peace congresses, and from 1895 onwards he was a member of the Permanent Interntional Peace Bureau. He actively worked to establish better understanding between countries on the verge of conflict, especially through arbitration. Suttner was the author of the novel "Die Waffen nieder" (Lay Down Your Arms), the most important antiwar novel of the period. She was the founder and president of the Austrian Peace Society (1891), and she contributed to the foundation of the Permanent International Peace Bureau (1891). Suttner was nominated for her contribution to the international peace movement.
Name:Salvatore Barzilai
Profession:Member of the Italian parliament (Chamber of Deputies)
Country:ITALY (IT)