Nomination for Nobel Prize in Physics | |
Year: | 1929 |
Number: | 27 - 0 |
Nominee: |
Name: | Werner Karl Heisenberg |
Gender: | M |
Year, Birth: | 1901 |
Year, Death: | 1976 |
University: | Leipzig University |
City: | Leipzig |
Country: | GERMANY (DE) |
Awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics 1932 | |
Nominator: |
Name: | Enrico Fermi |
Gender: | M |
Year, Birth: | 1901 |
Year, Death: | 1954 |
Profession: | chairholder at invited university, NP phy 1938 |
University: | Rome |
City: | Rome |
Country: | ITALY (IT) |
Comments: | Heisenberg received the 1932 prize in physics in 1933. |