Nomination Archive

Nomination for Nobel Peace Prize
Number:33 - 7
Name: The Inter-Parliamentary Union
Motivation:The Inter-Parliamentary Union promoted international arbitration and organized annual inter-parliamentary conferences.
Name:John Theodor Lund
Year, Birth:1842
Year, Death:1913
Profession:Customs officer. Member of the Norwegian Nobel Committee (1897-1913).
Country:NORWAY (NO)
Comments: Most of the IPU's nominators nominated either the Inter-Parliamentary Union or the Inter-Parliamentary Bureau or both. Christian Lous Lange, secretary of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, rearded the Union and the Bureau as one candidate; the Bureau was the executive body of the Union. The nominators wished to to reward the IPU and its Bureau with a Nobel Peace Prize for its accomplishments so far and to provide the IPU with means to develop the organization and to guarantee the continued existence of the IPU. John Lund also nominated Albert Gobat and William Stead.